Winners at Losing
Have you ever thought to yourself, "Man, I can't seem to win for loosing?" I know I have. Did you know that it's kind of supposed to be that way? In life, we are going to face trials. We will be faced with people who are rude to us. We are destined to encounter bad breaks. When we look at things for what they are, it really begins to look like we can't seem to win at a losing game. However, as Christians, we must understand that if we don't see trial, then we will never see triumph. Just because we didn't get that promotion, didn't get that ring, can't afford that new technology, or the newest name brand clothes, doesn't mean we're losing at life. Luke 13:30 illustrates how we should look at things perfectly. It says, "Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and those who were first that will be last."
Our victory can only be found in Jesus, not in the world.
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