April 6th, 2022

Published on 6 April 2022 at 07:15

Wake Up! The Time is Coming

Mark 13:36 NIV

"If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping."

      One thing I love to do is sleep. I mean, who doesn't love to sleep? Sleeping in until about 10 am or so used to be something I lived for. However, when my ministry took off, this became a problem. You see, if I would sleep in until about ten or so, I wasn't able to get my ministry work done like I needed to as well as tend to my girls, housework and complete all of my tasks on the home front before my husband got home from work. Consequently, the ministry suffered, and I wasn't consistent with my posts or responding to inquiries. I would find myself up until midnight trying to get everything finished, as well as cram in my Bible reading for the day before I closed my eyes. I wasn't in the spiritual place I needed to be as a minister all because I prioritized sleeping instead of utilizing the early morning when my family was asleep to complete my work. My faith was beginning to suffer.

      Similarly, Jesus warned his disciples of this. When informing his disciples that the day and hour of the coming of the Lord would be unknown to everyone, including the Son, he warned them that they mustn't let the Lord catch them sleeping-that they should be prepared. He spoke to them through a parable of a watching servant. He said that a man had left, leaving each of his servants in charge of their own specific task. One specifically was to keep watch while the man was absent (V.32-34). Just as the servant was to keep watch, we too are encouraged to keep watch for the unbeknownst time that is coming near. Don't let the day come that you are sleeping in your faith. Don't let the day come and you aren't properly prepared, having focused on tasks you were not assigned to. Don't let the day come that you have prioritized other things over you dedication to God. While sleeping may feel good, we are called to rise and serve the Lord through the tasks in which he left for us to complete; each one unique. 

Do you feel like you're prepared for the coming of the Lord? What are some things you could do to be better prepared?

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