Take His Hand
Isaiah 41:13 NIV
"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear; I will help you.'
I have been very fortunate throughout my life to always have my best friend by my side. We met in kindergarten and have remained friends to this day. Through elementary, middle and high school, she was always there for me when I needed help, to talk, or to simply serve as a shoulder to cry on. She has been with me through every heartache, laugh, tear shed and happy dance, just as I have been for her. When we graduated, we remained as close as we possibly could, though she went off to college, and I got married and had babies. As we've grown, it's seemed harder and harder to always be there for each other face to face, though we still remain close in heart and through phone calls and text messages. There have been many times that I have found myself fearfully walking through something difficult, feeling alone and just craving the comfort that used to come from a face-to-face vent session that we shared so often growing up. Unfortunately, those aren't easily accessible anymore.
In times of fear and trouble, though I may sometimes feel alone without my friend close by to help me, I know that I'm not alone. And while no one on this earth may never know and understand me the way she does, our God is the greatest comforter there is. He knows us better than anyone ever will because he created us. He can help us better than anyone ever can because he holds the answers. He can strengthen us and guide us better than anyone ever can because through his strength, we can overcome all obstacles. Picture this: You're at your wits ends, you're weak, and tired, and drained, you feel like you don't have anything else left in you and you're not sure what you're going to do next. But then, God takes your hand in his, he helps you up and says, "Do not fear; I will help you." What if we depended on God's love and strength to get us through when we can't take another step? When we feel so alone and don't know how much more we can take. Wherever you are, whatever you're dealing with, this is my challenge for you today:
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