You're Stronger Than You Think
Exodus 15:2 NIV
"The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him."
Whether we like to admit it, or not (and I think a lot of us fall into the "or not"), there are times in our life where we feel utter weakness creep into our bones. Receiving bad news, the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, a break-up, financial hardship, or even simply having an overwhelmingly full plate can leave one breathless and struggling to carry the load. As things begin to pile up on our already waning shoulders, we begin to realize that we're not quite as strong as we had originally thought we were. I truly feel it is in these moments that we think we can continue to press forward, attempting to operate under our own human strength, because we have too much pride to ask for help. Or we continue because we don't want to burden others with our load. In turn, we crack, we crumble, and like a house made of glass in a raging tempest, we fall. Thus, leaving us feeling weak, shameful and defeated. I couldn't tell you how many times I've been here.
When the Israelites were led by Moses out of Egypt, enroute to the promised land, they came upon the Red Sea. With Pharoah and his army on their tail, the people grew anxious and upset with Moses, assuming he had led them out of Egypt to their inevitable death. In an act of faith, Moses cried out to the Lord, and he responded, "Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelite can go through the sea on dry ground (v.16)." Turns out, Moses had it in him all along to bear the weight of his role in leading the Israelites to their land of milk and honey. What seemed overwhelming at the time, was as easy as lifting his hands up in the name of God. God does not put seas in front of us that we cannot part. He does not pile heavy loads on our shoulders that we cannot carry. It is when we try to do these things in our own strength that we crumble and fall. The Lord is our strength in all situations that we may feel weak. He comes to fight for us and save us in times of despair. It is our job to call out when we need him in order to see the deliverance that we are seeking. In doing so, we should praise him and thank him because without him, we can do nothing.
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