May 9th, 2022

Published on 9 May 2022 at 08:16

Wildfires of Faith

Jeremiah 20:9 NIV

"But if I say, 'I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,' his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot."

      I was on the phone with my grandfather last night, and as always, we were chatting about faith. God is something the two of us have in common, and when we get together, He tends to be the topic of discussion. But while we were on the subject of being born again, I expressed to him that, since my rebirth, I just can't seem to run anymore. I feel as though God's lit a flame inside of me that I can't put out. As a result, I have found that I can't help but talk about God in any situation that I'm faced with. The prophet Jeremiah expresses this same idea in the book of Jeremiah when he complains to God. In his complaint, he tells God that, while he is persecuted for spreading His word, he simply can't stop even if he tried.

     When we are filled and driven by the Spirit of the Lord, it is impossible to refrain from sharing God's goodness with others. Just as Jeremiah described it, God's word burns within us like a fire that cannot be contained. This is a clear sign that the Spirit resides within you. And while we may be tempted to put out that flame (usually due to being faced with persecution), we simply can't. This being said, flames can grow. Can you imagine what might happen if our flame crossed another person's path? Though their flame may be little (or even nonexistent), ours can fuel theirs and potentially start a movement; A wildfire of God's glory throughout the nations. If we would stop trying to fight our fires and simply embrace them, then others will be able to see God's goodness in our lives. Then, little by little, these fires might begin to grow, causing a movement of faith like we've never seen before.

I want to encourage you to embrace the fire God has lit within you. Show it off for others to see. By accepting that the fire within you is unquenchable, you might spark the flame in other people and start a wildfire of faith in the glory of our God.

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