Jesus is Knocking
Revelations 3:20 NIV
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."
So many times in my life I have felt distant from Jesus. Whether I have stumbled down the wrong road, overloaded my schedule to where I don't have time for my relationship with Him, or even if I'm simply going through a time of struggle and I have looked to the world for my comfort. And every single time I allow myself to feel guilt and shame because I have pushed my lifeline out the door and shut it behind Him. If this is you, there's good news! Though we may stumble, struggle and even fall, it doesn't matter how far we've pushed Jesus out of our lives, He will always be standing at the door knocking eagerly for us to let Him back in. We don't have to feel guilty or shameful. It is so important to remember just how much He loves us and how much He wants us to remain in close relationship with Him. We see that in today's scripture. Y'all, He never left. He's not in some far-off and distant land that we must go searching for Him. No, He is still right where you left Him; At the door, knocking, waiting for you to allow Him back into your life. And when you do, He will come on in and pick up right where you left off- just like an old friend.
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