June 24th, 2022

Published on 24 June 2022 at 08:56

The God Without Limits

Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen."

      Growing up, my family and I took an excursion to Florida every year to visit my grandparents at their vacation home. While they lived in a more rural part of the state, we always found our way to the beach. The beach has always been one of my favorite places to be. I simply can't get enough of the salty breeze and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. If you're someone who knows me well, you know that I am terrified of sharks-or swimming in any body of water that isn't a swimming pool at that. If I can't see through the water and know what is around me, I won't get in. And yet, another weird fact about me is that, while I'm petrified to get into the ocean because of the ocean life, I am fascinated by all ocean life-especially sharks. One of my favorite things to do while on vacation is to go to an aquarium. I love learning about and seeing all of the different creatures that we cannot see unless we go to an exhibit, such as an aquarium. I also love watching movies and documentaries on sharks and other ocean creatures. Crazy, right?

      So, what's my point? Deep down, I believe the root of my fear lies within the concept that the ocean and all that is in it are unfathomable. After doing some research, I stumbled upon an article from the National Ocean Services (U.S) website stating that scientists estimate that about 91% of ocean species have yet to be discovered, and roughly 80% of our oceans have not even been explored yet. Mind-blowing, right? While science has revealed to us a small portion of creatures and depths that lie within this salty abode, the rest remains a mystery to us. An unimaginable mystery. Friends, this is God's handiwork. If He can create the immeasurable and unfathomable ocean, then imagine what He could do in your life. Oh, wait... You can't! Our God is the God of the immeasurable, the unthinkable, the unfathomable, the unbelievable. And yet, all we have to do is trust and believe. In doing so, we should be better able to remove those human-like limits we put on Him, that prevent us from seeing the greatness that He has to offer. There is no ocean too deep and no creature that has been unseen to our God. With Him, all possibilities are limitless.

Do you tend to put limits on God because you can only fathom what man can do? Think of the ocean and imagine what kinds of mysteries lie beneath the waters. Is in comforting to know that our God holds the answers to such mysteries and can do just as unfathomable things in your life, too?


National Ocean Service Article: How Many Species Live in the Ocean? (noaa.gov)

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