July 26th, 2022

Published on 26 July 2022 at 07:31

Grow Where You're Planted

Job 8:11-13 NIV

"Can papyrus grow tall where there is no marsh? While still growing and uncut, they wither more quickly than grass. Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so perishes the hope of the godless."

      As I look outside my window this morning, I see lots of grass. I can remember when the construction on our home was all finished and we were left with nothing but dry dirt, front to back, clear to the main road. To level out the area and dig our basement, they had to reshape the earth that our house was to sit on. This meant that the once abundantly green grass that had originally lived on the property had to suffer. But fortunately for us, with a little seed, straw, and rain, the grass grew back just a few short weeks after we had been handed the keys. Now, it's more abundant than ever! But why did the grass come back so easily? Because grass can grow in just about any environment, unlike the papyrus plants that Job's friend Bildad presents here. Contrary to grass, papyrus needs to live in a wet and sunny environment to flourish. This is why this plant is most commonly found in marshes or swampy areas.

      Similarly, Bildad compares these two different types of greenery to us. With God, we are like the grass. We can grow in almost every environment that we are planted. But those without God are like that of papyrus. Papyrus can only grow in a limited number of places because of the water it requires. Without water, it will perish. However, if we don't see rain for a few weeks where I live, the grass doesn't die; It can continue growing. When we trust and believe in God and all of His promises to us, we don't have to worry about our growth being stunted due to the lack of rain. While the papyrus may wither, we will find ourselves flourishing wherever we are planted.

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