Been Breakin' Yokes from the Very Beginning
Exodus 6:6 NIV
"Therefore, say to the Israelites: 'I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and mighty acts of judgment.'"
God is His name and breaking yokes is His game. Scripture proves to us that, though Christ's salvation may be the ultimate act of freedom He has granted His people, it isn't the only time He's set his people free of the yokes burdening them. Throughout the Old Testament, we see two significant times when God has heard the cries for help from His people Israel and delivered them from the hands of their oppressors. Here, God is speaking through Moses to His people, promising to deliver them from the hands of Pharoah and into the land He promised to their fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And He did just that! Centuries later, God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah, His promise to set the Israelites free from their slavery to the Babylonian Empire and repay Babylon for the years of mistreatment towards His people (Jeremiah 25). Now, because of the sacrifice that Christ made on our behalf, we have been freed from the yoke of sin that we would've had to carry to our graves. Friends, our God is a yoke breaker, a bondage destroyer, and a slave freer! And not only has He set us free from our sins, but He can also set us free from the burden of addiction, depression, division, guilt, shame, and the hold that the devil THINKS he has on us. Though this world can be hard and may feel like a burden from time to time, God's promise to us, through Christ, is that we will one day be set completely free from all the yokes of this world and spend eternity in peace, basking in all His glory. There's no yoke in Heaven, friends. Just freedom.
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