Your Seat Has Been Saved
Mark 10:40 NIV
"... but to sit at my right or left is not for me to decide. These places belong to those for whom they've been prepared."
Have you ever found yourself in a place where someone got what you wanted? Got what you had been praying and hoping for? Have you ever thought, "why did she get the car I had been dreaming of?" Or, "I had worked and prayed so hard for that promotion. Why did he get it?" I'm here to tell you, friend, that seat wasn't saved for you. That car, that house, that job, that relationship that you had been praying for and didn't get, didn't have a place in your life. You see, God has our lives planned out perfectly, blessings and all. If you didn't get that promotion, then it's because God has something greater in mind for you. If someone stole that house out from under you, then there is a better one in store for you. Just because someone else got what we wanted, doesn't mean we are any less loved or valued. Each and every one of us have a seat, or blessings, prepared for us. There is not one person in this world that is able to take our blessings from us. Likewise, we aren't able to take someone else's blessings from them.
Jesus explained this idea to the disciples in Mark 10:40. When James and John came to him and asked if one could sit on his left and the other on his right in the kingdom of Heaven, he proceeded to tell them that that he was unable to grant this request. He told them that he is not who decides where everyone will sit. That each seat has been prepared specifically for their owner. In life, we may find ourselves wanting what others have, but we need to remember that, if God hasn't blessed us with it, then it wasn't meant for us. However, we should find peace knowing that God will not short us our blessings. There's a seat full of blessings with your name on it, that God is waiting to shower you with. Just keep praying. Just keep believing.
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