When You Need Shelter from the Storm
Psalm 9:9-10 NIV
"The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you."
I can remember when I was a sophomore in high school, the forecast had called for a severe summer storm. One like we hadn't seen in at least a decade. I had the duty of taking my little brother to his t-ball game that day. Once the dark rain clouds opened up and the first strike of lightning flashed everyone scattered. I grabbed my brother and we bolted for the car. The rain pelted the windshield of my hand-me-down Expedition as we hit the road. By the time we got home, just him and I, the radio was blaring warnings at us to seek shelter. The basement of my family's old home had an outside exit at the top of the steps. As my brother and I stood in the doorway and watched mother nature take its toll, we were mortified to see the winds pick our full-sized trampoline up off the ground and hurl it into the cow pasture. The rain poured, the winds howled, and nothing looked the same after the storm had blown over. Almost everyone in our rural county, and surrounding counties, spent the following week without electricity.
Just as the National Weather Service ordered us to seek shelter in the wake of the approaching disaster, we should always seek shelter amid life's storms. While the basement of my family's home was the safest physical location for my brother and me to be during this intense storm, God is our safest refuge in any degree of downpour in our lives. God is our protector (2 Thessalonians 3:3) and wants us to actively seek him amid trouble. Whether someone is treating you unfairly, or someone you love has passed away, we will see times of oppression, trouble, and challenge. Regardless of your situation, if you trust in God and believe that he will see you through, he will not reject or forsake you. He will be your safe place and your anchor in the storm.
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