February 7th, 2022

Published on 7 February 2022 at 22:37

When People Condemn You, Jesus Won't

John 8:10-11 NIV

"Jesus straightened up and asked her, 'Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?' 

'No one, sir,' she said.

'Then neither do I condemn you,' Jesus declared. 'Go now and leave your life of sin.' "

      Whether we like it or not, we will find ourselves sinning time and time again. Just when we think we've fixed ourselves, we will find another area in our lives in which we're struggling. The beauty in this endless, inevitable cycle is that we are always forgiven through Christ. Yes, some sins may be greater than others, but because God sent his only son, our beloved Saviour Jesus Christ, to die on the cross the only sin that can't be forgiven is the one we don't offer repentance for. If you don't believe me, then let's look at the story written in John 8. The Pharisees brought a woman, who had been caught in adultery, before Jesus. The punishment for being caught in the act of adultery back then was to be stoned to death. But this is how merciful our Lord is. He said, " Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her," (John 8:7). And at that, the people began to leave one by one until there was no one else left (John 8:9).

      Unlike people, Jesus is willing to forgive you. In fact, it was through his bloodshed that you are forgiven. We don't have to live a perfect life to be a good Christian. In fact, it is impossible to live a perfect life because Jesus is the only man to ever walk this work that could and can. However, what we can do is acknowledge our sins and repent. We must strive to leave our lives of sin and work towards living in likeness with Christ. Just because people condemn you, doesn't mean Jesus will. Just like the woman who was brutally humbled before Jesus for her incredible sin, we are forgiven for our iniquities if we leave our lives of sin.

Is there something you're too afraid to ask for forgiveness for because people have condemned you for it?

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