Sticking it Out with Jesus
Mark 13:13 NIV
"Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."
Throughout my life, especially when I was in my early twenties, I was notorious for starting things and not finishing them. I once owned an online boutique which I made and sold baby bows and hair clips. On another account, I was a food blogger that created and posted new recipes. I also dappled in mixing and selling essential oils for some time. When I was in college, I spent several semesters in nursing school. After I got bored with that, I switched to high school English education. After many failed attempts at finding my place in this world, ended up dropping out of college, my online business went under, my food blog success plummeted, and I lost interest in selling essential oils. Moral of the story was, I had stunk at sticking it out until the end. However, I've found that there's beauty in sticking it out with Jesus.
While Jesus explained to his discipled what the coming of the end would look like, he expressed to them one very important concept. That though things would look scary, and they would be hated because of their devotion to him, their reward for toughing it out would be far greater than they could imagine. Though I failed at finding my niche due to my lack of desire to tough it out no matter what, it was those failures that brought me to my real home in Jesus Christ. When we chose to stick it out with Christ until the end, we will find ourselves walking right into his blessings. We will face failures on this earth. People will hate us because we follow Christ. However, one thing is for sure: "the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." I would rather face earthly failures with Jesus, than face eternity having been successful without him.
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