Peace Conquers All
John 14:27 NIV
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
On a daily basis, we are faced with thousands of things that are trying to steal our peace. Maybe your toddler won't listen, or your package got delayed. You got behind a slow car and now you're late for work. Maybe a loved one is in the hospital and not doing well. Someone stole your identity and drained your life savings. Or you might have even lost your job and don't know how you're going to support your family. From the moment we open our eyes, to the time we lay our heads down to sleep, we will be tempted to lose our peace. If we're not careful, we will unknowingly hand our peace right over to the enemy, and potentially never get it back.
When we allow negativity and hopelessness to take root in our souls during times of desperation, we are allowing the enemy to take our peace right from us. Once we've lost our peace, it's easy to stay negative and defeated. However, when we put our hope in Jesus, it is easy to see that our problems are actually steppingstones leading us right into our destiny. You see, we were not created to have a negative, hopeless, defeated personality. We were not created to live our lives in despair. Through Christ who died for us, we have peace deep down inside of our souls. The only way to access it, though, is through trusting that God is in control. When we approach each circumstance the way Jesus did, with no fear and full confidence in the Father, we are able to keep our peace in every problem we face. Jesus conquered all, and with him, we may also be conquerors.
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