God: The Promise Keeper
Psalm 89:34 NIV
" I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered."
I'm sure we have all lost count of how many times people have let us down. Might I say, people are finicky? People say things they don't mean. They do things to hurt other people's feelings. People even make decisions and then change their minds. I've found, however, that there is one thing people do that always stings like rubbing salt in a wound. It's when people make promises and don't keep them. Or better yet, when people promise one thing, and when it comes down to it, add stipulations to their original promise. Now, don't get me wrong, there are people in this world that are good at keeping their promises, but I'm certain that nearly every one of us has suffered heartache over an unkept promise. In turn, this alone can tempt us to not put our full trust in God. We get into the habit of guarding our hearts against people because of the hurt we have felt that we allow ourselves to withhold our hearts from the one who created them in the first place. I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way.
Throughout the Bible, we see that God has created covenants with his people. He told Abraham that he would make him a father of many nations though his wife was barren and elderly. He is now known as the Father of our Faith. He made a covenant with King David that he would establish his throne forever with no stipulations other than, if any of his sons sinned, he would discipline them. Through David's lineage came the King of Kings... Jesus Christ. When we turn to scripture, we will see that God is clearly a promise keeper. God will not do to you as people do. People may change, but God doesn't change (Malachi 3:6). He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Though it may seem scary to give him all of your trust, it is when we put our trust in him that we will see his blessings come to pass. He will keep every promise he makes to you, but you've got to believe that he will.
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