The Difference Between Palms and Grass
Psalm 92:6-7 NIV
"Senseless people do not know, fools do not understand, that though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they will be destroyed forever."
It doesn't take but one trip to the store, or even five minutes on social media, to see people who seem to have it all. Self-righteousness seems to be the theme of today's society. It's easy to see what these people have, be it a celebrity or a neighbor from down the street, and wonder why you don't have what they do. It's especially difficult to understand if it's apparent that person is on the wrong path in life, while you're doing your best to serve God and be a good person. Meaning that they have qualities like that of an "evildoer." An evildoer can look a lot like someone who is selfish, who doesn't believe in God, who has the wrong motives in life, who cheats, lies and steals. However, instead of getting discouraged over this-what appears to be-unfairness, we must remember that their rewards on earth are nowhere near the rewards God has planned for us in heaven. Though they may have it "all" here and now, the Bible says that "they will be destroyed forever."
The Psalmist compares evildoers to grass. While grass has a purpose of its own, it is a plant of the present time. It can be ripped from the ground by hand, cut by a mower weekly, and dies in the winter. However, the righteous are compared to that of palm and cedar trees (V.12). Not only are palms beautiful, but they are strong. In raging hurricanes, their strong roots allow them to stay grounded. Instead of breaking in the strong winds, they bend. A cedar tree, being known as one of the strongest trees in the world, is looked at as a symbol of strength. Both trees are also known for their longevity. While a palm can live up to an amazing hundred and fifty years, the cedar has a life span of up to three hundred years. When we serve God and strive to live our lives righteously, it is clear to see that it doesn't matter if others seem to have more going for them. If they aren't doing things for the right reasons, then like grass, they will perish. We, on the other hand, will still bear fruit in old age and remain fresh and green (V.14).
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