Preach Like Peter
Acts 4:3-4 NIV
"They seized Peter and John and because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. But many who heard the message believed; so the number of men who believed grew to about five thousand."
So many times, on my journey with Christ, I have felt like what I had to say was unwanted. That I couldn't speak about Christ because it made other people uncomfortable or offended them. Society just loves to tell Christians to hush, while other religions send people from door to door trying to recruit other followers. However, this unfairness isn't new! One day, when Peter and John were out spreading the good news of Jesus and healing people, they were thrown into jail for proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead (V.2). If we look at Peter through the scriptures, it's easy to see that he loved Jesus tremendously. He was a tried and true, loud and proud disciple of our Lord. Nothing, not even jail time, stopped him from sharing the Gospel with anyone that he could. Because he was so passionate about his love for the Lord, new believers grew by the thousands. Today, Peter sets an amazing example of discipleship for us to follow. I encourage you today, to stand firm in your faith when society tells you to be quiet about the gifts Christ has to offer. When you can shrink back and allow the world to tell you what to do, try choosing to be like Peter and keep on preaching!
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