March 21st, 2022

Published on 21 March 2022 at 08:23

Walking on Sunshine 

John 8:12 NIV

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” 

      When I get up in the mornings to start my daily duties before the kids rise, it’s almost always still dark out. I try my best to quietly maneuver around my bedroom blinded by the darkness, doing what I can to avoid what few obstacles I can see before grabbing my computer, supplies and getting out of there as fast as I can without waking everyone in the house up. Despite my best efforts, I usually stumble around, tripping over the sleeping dogs or stubbing my toe on the bedframe.  

      Similarly, when we don’t have Christ, we tend to stumble around blinded by the darkness of our lives. However, John 8:12 tells us that Jesus is the light of the world and with him there is no darkness. When we choose to follow Christ, he lights up our darkest times allowing us to walk in light. It is in this light that we can see the beauty he has in store for our lives. Not only does his light make our paths clear for us to walk down with him, but it brings us joy, cheer and peace just as the light of the sun brings after a long dark winter. 

Are you walking in darkness right now and could really use a light to help you see? Or can you remember a time when Jesus' light was shed on your darkness and the joy you felt from it?

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