March 22nd, 2022

Published on 22 March 2022 at 06:51

Growing Pains

Proverbs 20:30 NIV

"Blows and wounds scrub away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being."

      A few months ago, my oldest daughter had complained for days about her legs hurting her. They bothered her so much that all she did was lay around on the couch, rarely getting up to play. My husband and I started to grow pretty concerned, so we decided it was time to schedule a visit with her pediatrician. After some evaluation, her doctor determined that she was experiencing "growing pains"- a neurological pain that kids may feel in their limbs (specifically their legs). While there is no evidence proving that growth is painful for children, many parents and doctors do believe that there may be a link between pain and the growth of a young child's body. Whether you believe that there is a link between the two, or not, we can use the idea of growing pains to relate to our growth in Christ.

      We as Christians will experience growing pains in our walk with Jesus. These pains may not reside in our limbs but our souls. Inevitably, we will always be faced with trials in one way or another. As we all know, our trials can be painful. They can suck the life right out of us and even lay us up on the couch for days. While our trials may be painful, it is important to remember that even they serve a greater purpose in our lives. If you're one of those people who believe that growing pains are related to the growth of children, and without it, they wouldn't grow properly, then we could easily say that without trial, we will not grow properly in Christ. Now, this statement is true. As the scripture says, "Blows and wounds scrub away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being." It's clear to see that trial is God's way of ridding us of something within that is ugly. Maybe we have a bad habit we need help kicking or a mindset that doesn't align with the word, or there may even be something driving a wedge between us and God that needs "purged." Whatever it may be, we are bound to experience growing pains as we grow in Christ. As painful as it may be, let us rejoice in knowing that God is creating something new in us by allowing us to face these trials.

Are you at a place where you're struggling with growing pains? Are you fighting them, or handling them with Christ?

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