March 24th, 2022

Published on 24 March 2022 at 06:39

Life Isn't Always Fair

Proverbs 24:19-20 NIV

"Do not fret because of evildoers or be envious of the wicked, for the evildoer has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out."

      My daughters are in the stage where they're learning that things aren't always fair. If one has a toy that the other one wants, the one who wants it gets upset over it. If one gets a piece of candy, but the other one doesn't then there's an uproar over what is and isn't fair. Likewise, we as Christian adults tend to get bent out of shape when people who do wrong or don't follow Christ get rewarded. I could use a handful of public figures as an example of people who seem to have it all, the money, the fame, the social circle, the car, the house (you name it), but also don't follow Christ and do evil in his eyes. It really does seem to be a bit unfair when we are doing our best to do the right thing and be a good Christian, but bad breaks happen to us. Isn't God supposed to be on our side? Well, though it may not always be rainbows and butterflies, God is on our side.

      Evildoers who seem to be rewarded for their evildoing do not receive gifts from God because of who they are. On the contrary, money, fame, and lavishing materials are worldly rewards. Rewards that will one-day parish, just as they will if they don't turn from their evil ways and worship the Lord. Though we may find it easy to think that the playing field isn't level and it's unfair that they have something we don't, we must remember that our reward is in Heaven. We have something they don't, and that something is hope. Christ died on the cross to abolish our sins once and for all and give us hope for a future with God. Though the riches of the evil may look enticing, we must remind ourselves that we have hope... a unique and personal reward that money will never be able to buy.

Have you ever caught yourself wanting what someone who does evil has? How can you redirect this thought process when you see yourself thinking things are unfair?

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