Let the Spirit Fill You with Words
Matthew 10:18-20 NIV
"On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you."
Can you imagine going before a court or judge and having to present a case without preparation? While Jesus was preparing his twelve disciples to go out and heal the sick and demon possessed, and proclaim that the kingdom of Heavan was near, he warned them that they would be faced with a situation such as this. Jesus told them that they would be arrested on his behalf and be brought before the governors and kings. To us, and I'm sure to them too, this idea can be frightening. In school, I can remember always preparing a speech before presenting it to the class. At such an early age, we're taught to prepare so that we may gain control of our situations before they arise. Jesus, however, suggested the opposite to his disciples by telling them not to worry about what they were going to say but allow the Spirit of God to speak through them.
Often times, even for the most seasoned Christians, the idea of trusting God in all situations can be hard. Especially when giving up your right to speak and trusting the Spirit of God to do the talking for you. However, Jesus knew exactly what these men would be up against when issuing his warning. If we refer back to Acts chapter 4 from the other day, we will revisit the time that John and Peter were incarcerated over night for healing a beggar and proclaiming the message. Though there was no preparing of a speech while in the jail cell, Peter stood before the high priest and the words began to pour out of him. Because he trusted the Spirit to fill him with the right words to say in the heat of the moment, the courts had no idea how to punish the men and they were set free with a warning. While preparation is great, it is not always necessary. You may even be in situations where you're not presented with the time or place to prepare, but you just have to do it. We may trust God with our health, our finances, our careers, but it is crucial that we trust God to send his Spirit to speak for us in times when our own words just aren't enough.
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