Give Joyfully
2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV
"Each one of you should give as you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
Though my family may not be perfect, I was raised in a family of givers. I have never once left my mom's house, or my Granny's house, without loading up the back of my SUV with bags or boxes of things they've given to me. Most times it's food items they've gotten on sale (we love sales!) or thought my girls might like. Other times, it's a cute top they thought would fit me or household items. When my dad and brother come for visits, they always have treats for the girls. My sister loves sharing clothes with me that she no longer wears but are still in great enough condition that I can love them for some time too (hand me downs are the best). She also gives words of encouragement to me when I need them the most. Where am I going with this? As Christians, we are called to give each other what we can.
Galatians 5:13 tells us that we are called to live in freedom, but it is what we do with that freedom that matters. Instead of using our freedom to feed our sinful desires, we should use our freedom to serve one another. It is through serving one another that we serve God. We don't have to strap ourselves trying to give financially, either. Giving makes others feel good, loved and even blessed. Giving something such as a top to your sister that you don't wear, but you think she would enjoy, could bring joy to her life! When my husband is laid off, we don't have a lot to give financially, but God blessed me with the love of baking. Often times I keep baked goods in the freezer that I can throw in a basket in a pinch to give to a neighbor whose stopped by for a visit. In Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, he reminded them that those who sow sparingly will reap sparingly, but those who sow generously will reap generously (V.6). Giving isn't just giving to the receiving party. When we give, we too, are blessed because we are choosing to do what God has called his people to do: And that is give joyfully.
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