What Are You Working For?
Ecclesiastes 5:15 NIV
"Everyone comes naked from their mother's womb, and as everyone comes, so they depart. They take nothing from their toil that they can carry in their hands."
I used to live my life never having enough. It wasn't that I was poor or hard-pressed, but because I was never satisfied with anything. I would buy a new pair of very expensive shoes, only to turn around and buy another pair just days later because last week's trend had come to pass and there was a new one that I needed to keep up with. Looking back, it's clear to see now that I was living a pretty unhappy life. You see, the ways of this world are every changing. Things like trends and material items are here today and gone tomorrow, however we allow them to determine who is greater than who. You've saved for over a year to buy the latest iPhone and the minute you buy it, a newer one comes out. It is important that we do not allow ourselves to fall into this viscous cycle, or else we will find ourselves living miserably for the world.
As humans, we tend to value possessions and even reputations over the greater things in life. These things are used to determine our place in this world by society's standards. The greater and more elaborate possessions or reputation we maintain, the more superior we think we are. However, through Christ, we are called to humble ourselves and remember who we really are; humans. Every one of us came out of our mother's womb naked, and we will all leave this earth one day. Inevitably being forgotten by those we didn't matter to. One cannot take their belongings with them when they go, and social status will not matter when you get to where you're going. What you will take with you, though, is an account of the work you did on this earth which will be presented before the Judge. Did you serve Christ? Or did you serve the world? The ways of this world will never satisfy your hungry soul, but the Lord will. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He cannot be bought with money, and he cannot be swayed by your reputation. However, if you turn from your ways, he can offer you something far greater than anything money can buy on this earth: That's salvation.
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