March 30th, 2022

Published on 30 March 2022 at 08:42

What is God's Character Like Anyway?

John 1:18 NIV

"No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known."

      As a mom, I have had a hard time trying to explain who God is to my girls. I think I struggle because I, myself, can't even fathom the greatness of his existence. I have found that I'm not alone in this either. In many adults that I have spoken to, they too have a hard time understanding God as a divine entity. We can't physically see, hear or touch God; therefore, it makes it hard to fathom his Godliness for not only children, but adults too. While we may struggle in our understanding, it is important to remember that God sent us a guide, or an example if you will. Often times, we look at Jesus and God as two separate entities, and while they are their own beings-One God the Father, and one God the Son-The Father sent the Son to be a manifestation of his Godliness.

      Over time, I have decided to start teaching my girls more about Jesus, not to leave the idea of God out, but because a physical human being seems to be easier for them to grasp. Likewise, I think this approach should be taken for adults as well. If you're having a hard time trusting, obeying or even loving God because you just don't feel the connection or don't understand, look to Jesus. John tells us in chapter 5 verse 19 that the Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing. Jesus lived a life of perfection. He resisted temptation. He lived humbly, even in the face of persecution. He was loving, patient, kind and generous. He heeled the sick and fed the many. God has never been hidden from us, but on the contrary, he has shown us who he is through his son Jesus Christ. Even the love and mercy shown towards us on the cross by Jesus was not just the love of Jesus, but the love of God the Father. Jesus lived in likeness with God, and he is our guide to God's character. When we look at Jesus, we see God in his fullness. Now, we must do our part and live in likeness with Jesus, so that we too may be a guide for the world in our efforts to further the kingdom of Heaven and bring glory to the name of God.

Have you ever struggled at trusting, loving or having a relationship with God because you couldn't grasp his character? Does looking at the life of Jesus make it easier for you to understand the characteristics of God?

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