The Lord Our Judge
Colossians 3:25 NIV
"Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is not favoritism."
If we take a second to look at the way society works, it can be a little discouraging. Everywhere we turn, we can see people doing wrong, people that are mean, that don't treat others fairly, that are selfish and greedy, living their best lives. They always seem to have the wealth, the fancy houses, the newest cars, the latest tech, the trendiest clothes. Yet, no matter how hard we seem to work and how fair and good we try to be, what we have in life doesn't come close in comparison. Here's the thing, though. What we have in this life doesn't matter. It's who we are. Were we kind? Were we fair? Were we generous? Were we faithful to our God through the good times and the hard times? Our reward, the greatest reward there is, lies in Heavan, and no matter how many people like us, no matter how much money we have, no matter how many homes we own, those things won't buy our way into Heavan. We serve a loving God that can't be bought, but commands us to live for him and not the ways of the world. When we choose to follow the word of God, remain obedient, stay humble and be kind and generous to others, always striving to do what's right, we will see that we actually had far more waiting for us on the other side of this world than we thought. Judgement is coming, and God does not favor those who do wrong, even if the world does. Their wrongs will be repaid to them.
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