When it Looks Like You're Going to Drown
Luke 8:25 NIV
"'Where is your faith?' he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement, they asked one another, 'Who is this? He commands even the wind and the water, and they obey him.'"
Oh, how easy it is to succumb to our problems in life and become fearful and anxious. Let's look at the twelve disciples of Jesus for example. In Luke chapter 8, we see Jesus and his disciples in a sailboat on the lake. While enroute to the other side, a windstorm began to overtake the boat, but Jesus had fallen asleep. Frantic, the disciples woke him up proclaiming in fear that they were going to drown. Now, these men had followed him throughout the land watching him heal and perform miracles. They knew what he was capable of, yet for some reason, they had lost their faith. Instead of remaining calm and trusting that he would save them, they grew fearful and frantic. Even after Jesus rebuked the waves and the winds, calming the storm, they stood in utter amazement. Who could possibly have authority over nature as well as man? The answer: Jesus.
Just as the disciples allowed fear and anxiety to overtake them in the storm, we too may find ourselves doing the same. You see, I've found that instead of trusting and relying on the Lord in all situations, we often praise and attribute the good times to God, but we try to take the tough times into our own hands. We often see the storm we're surrounded by and realize that the problem is much bigger than us. This is where fear and anxiety come in because were too weak to overcome it on our own. Our faith begins to vanish as if we never had any to begin with. We were not created to handle our problems in our own strength. Why? Because we worship a God who has all of the strength in the universe. He has so much authority that even the winds and the waves listen to his commands. Because He controls all of Heavan and Earth, we don't have to worry about our issues, but simply hand them over to God. What may look like a raging storm to us, is a drizzle to Him.
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