Relying On the Perfect Gardener
Isaiah 58:11 NIV
"The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."
Where I live, we're surrounded by country everywhere we turn. If the land is not wooded, it's probably a field. If you go into town, however, you will find a couple small gas stations, a couple of banks, and even a McDonalds! Many in the area, especially myself, eagerly await the changing of the bitter cold, to a beautiful spring bursting with life. Why? Well, because we get to plant our gardens, finally! Planting and tending to my veggie and herb gardens are some of my favorite spring/summer past times in our quiet little town. However, one thing essential to making the garden produce is rain. With a garden of any size, rain is the ideal source of water. When our summers get really hot and dry, though, our spring and creek may dry up and we have to haul water from the water plant in order to have clean water. The problem is, this source is full of chemicals and can be hazardous to the plants in my garden causing them to wilt slightly and potentially even die.
Our lives are kind of like a garden, where God is the gardener, and we are the plants. Like my plants depend on me to provide them the basic necessities they need to survive on my land, we are called to depend on God for our basic needs too. When my spring runs out of water, I better pray my creek isn't dry or else I could quite possibly kill my plants by looking for another source of water. With our gardener, though, we don't have to worry about looking for another source of water because He promises to satisfy us even in a sun-scorched land (which resembles the world we live in today very well). In order for this to happen, though, we must fully trust that God not only has a plan, but that He will fulfill the promises He's made to us. Just as my plants depend on me to care for them, we must completely depend on the Lord for all of our needs. Why? Because his spring never runs out. He will never give us water tainted with hazardous chemicals, but crystal clear, clean water to drink up, so that we may be fruitful and satisfied just like a well-watered garden.
Are you completely depending on the Gardener of Life to satisfy your needs and tend to your growth? Or are you searching for a source that will never satisfy your thirst, tainted with hazard?
Reading: I encourage you this week to read John 4:1-26 and think about the living water God has to offer us, and think about what that means in our lives every day. What will it require of you to drink this water? Are there sources you will need to stop drinking from in order to drink from His overflowing spring? Think about what the gain would be if you chose God’s water of life over water from earthly springs
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