May 25th, 2022

Published on 25 May 2022 at 08:20

Put Your Confidence Where Your Faith Is

Hebrews 10:39 NIV

"But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved."

      I say this a lot, but in case you haven't heard it yet; Life's hard, but Jesus gets it. He's been there, and He understands! I want to take a moment and simply reflect on his life before we move forward with this idea. Jesus was mocked, ridiculed, tempted, persecuted, judged by others, and faced suffering and affliction. Has any of us read a Bible story that has indicated that His faith ever wavered? I know I haven't. My Bible paints a picture of a man who was beaten and led right up to the cross proclaiming his faith. Why? Because He truly was the Son of God. And while we may try to live exactly like Him, that is an achievement that we will never be able to obtain. However, we are encouraged to live in likeness with the One who died for our sins. The One who died to give us hope. The One who died to give us the most perfect example of what it meant to serve our God.

      The author of Hebrews tells us that we do not belong to those who shrink back, but to those who have faith. When we shrink back, we are cowering down to the enemy. We are choosing to jump ship when we're faced with the hard things and conform to the ways of the world. However, if we belong to those who have faith, we know that nothing can touch us because Jesus has defeated the enemy once and for all. Verse 35 tells us not to throw away our confidence because it will be richly rewarded. Confidence. Wow. Jesus died to give us confidence? Yes!! Confidence in our God, that He is faithful, and that He will bring all of His promises to pass in our lives. When we belong to those of faith, we can march through the rough waters of life doing the will of God knowing that we will receive what He promised us. And might I remind you, His promises are for good. 

I want to encourage you today to decide where you want to stand in your faith. Do you want to shrink back in fear and timidity? Or do you want to march on in confidence with Jesus? I know that if you choose faith, God will richly reward you.

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