Follow the Good Shepherd
John 10:2-3 NIV
"The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen for his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out."
Though I grew up in the country and raised many different types of animals throughout my life, sheep were not my forte. When I was a little girl, my dad purchased two sheep: One for my sister and one for me. While we didn't have them for a long period of time, I couldn't help but notice that they were like no other animal we had ever raised. While I was used to leading a 1000+lb cow around on a halter, these sheep simply grazed carefree all day long. After spending some time with these two sheep, they had begun to recognize my sister and me when we called their names. At the sound of our voices, they would come running. This is not something I have ever seen in my many years in the cattle industry. While I could see the comfort in their eyes when I was near one of my trusty show heifers, I have never been able to call for one by name and they come running to my side. On the contrary, if a heifer is sent out into the field and wanders into the woods, if full-grown, I know that she could stand her ground and defend herself if she encountered an attack from the enemy (be it a coyote or bobcat). On the other hand, a sheep is one of the most helpless animals to walk this earth. They need a shepherd to protect them.
In a parable spoken to the Pharisees, Jesus explains this concept in terms of his purpose. We, God's chosen people, are the sheep. And Jesus is the good shepherd. He has been sent to lead us as we navigate this life to our eternal home. However, we will need protection on our way. This is where we mustn't stray from our shepherd because the moment we do, we are completely vulnerable to an attack from the enemy. Without our Shepherd protecting us, we are defenseless, but by our Shepherd- who lays down his life for His sheep (v.11)-we are fully protected. To stay under the protection of our Shepherd, we must first know His voice. We can do this through time in the Word. When we are knowledgeable in the Word, we are better able to decipher the call of our Shepherd vs. the call of the enemy. Always remember, the Good Shepherd calls his sheep by name.
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