Drop That Yoke. You are Free!
Galatians 5:1 NIV
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
For anyone who may not know what a yoke is, a yoke was usually a wooden beam that is fastened around the necks of two animals-typically oxen- so that they might work together to pull either the cart or buggy that they were attached to. If you've ever seen a yoke, you can more than likely assume that it would be very uncomfortable for the animal. Not to mention heavy. Throughout the Bible, the term "yoke" is used many times in reference to our sins. Here, we are not only using it in reference to our sins but also to the law in which we were under before the first coming of Jesus Christ. Christ came to set us free. Upon His death and resurrection, we entered into a new covenant with God. A covenant that would break the chains that our people were held in bondage to for so long, and was established through Abraham, whom we descended from. In this old covenant, we saw punishment for our sins and were not as closely related to God as we are welcomed to be now: All thanks to Jesus.
Because Jesus came to this earth and died for us, He broke the yoke which held God's children as slaves for so long. Today, we are not only free to live in close unity with God but we are also forgiven for our transgressions, whereas in the early ancient times we would've been punished as they deserved. While we may be free, though, we are not at liberty to sin as we please. We do still have a handbook that we must follow to achieve the promise of Heaven that comes with this freedom. That guide is the Word of God. If we trip up and fall into the pit of sin, we could quite possibly find ourselves bound by the enemy. The good news is that this freedom is always accessible through repentance. When we are tempted, stumble and fall, Jesus will always be there with a hand reached out to help us back up and find our way again.
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