July 13th, 2022

Published on 13 July 2022 at 11:16

The Big Things, The Little Things, The Great Things

Joel 2:21 NIV

"Do not be afraid, land of Judah; be glad and rejoice. Surely the Lord has done great things!"

      As I reflect on my life, I can honestly say that the Lord has been with me through the big things and the little things. But no matter how big or how small, He has most definitely done great things. He was with me when I fell off my bike and scraped my knee and He was with me when I hit my first deer. He caused my husband and me to cross paths at the most unconventional, yet perfect time. He was with us when our firstborn stopped breathing after she had been delivered and it was His mighty hand that guided the doctors and nurses that helped to get her breathing again. He's been there on the days that my patience has run dry, and He's been there with us every night that He has brought my husband home from work safely. I could go on and on, but the point I'm trying to get at is this: God has done great things. Not just in my life, but in yours also.

      Think about it for a minute. What's something small God has done for you? When I say small, I mean the most mundane thing you can even think of. I have a best friend from school. We've been friends since kindergarten. I walked through a tough season not long ago and needed someone to talk to. I knew I could go to her because she is an amazing friend of faith. She shared something with me that her belated father had written about Jesus. She said, "Taylor, Jesus is with you while you're folding the laundry. While you're washing the dishes. While you're making dinner." And He is Y'all! He is always with us doing great things big and small. Now think of the huge things He's done for you. The things you know that could not have happened without His hand being there working everything for good. Friends, big or small, the Lord has done, is doing, and forever will do great things in our lives. All we must do is repent of our sins and move forward in life thanking and praising Him for the work He has done.

What great things has God done for you?

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