The Road Less Traveled
Matthew 7:13-14 NIV
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it."
On our trip to Virginia last month, my husband and I took turns driving. From home, this was about an eight- or nine-hour drive once you add in the stops for food and gas. But on the way there, I just so happened to be the one who had to navigate us through a ridiculously small, two-lane tunnel UNDER the ocean. Listen, friends, I'm not a tunnel person, nor am I an ocean person. Now, do not confuse me for someone who doesn't like the beach. The beach is my favorite place. I love looking out into the ocean, putting my feet in the water, going to the aquariums there, and learning about the ocean life, but by no stretch do I get into the water further than my ankles, let alone take my car under the water! Anyways, not only was this tunnel crowded and narrow (and as we established, underwater), but cars were flying around us left and right trying to get to their destination. Needless to say, I began to panic. It is most certainly not the road less traveled.
Now, while this tunnel was narrow, it wouldn't have been so chaotic if there weren't so many other travelers on the road. However, Jesus tells us that the road to life is narrow and the entrance small, but crowded, it is not. You see, while many people take the highway to reach their beach vacation destination, not many take the road of righteousness that leads to Heaven. This being said, we can rest easy knowing that if we're taking that road less traveled, then it will not be a chaotic journey. Now, this doesn't mean we won't have some bumps in the road, but with Jesus by our side, we will not break down.
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