July 18th, 2022

Published on 18 July 2022 at 10:53

Roaring Lion or Feisty Kitten

Job 4:10

"The lions may roar and growl, yet the teeth of the great lions are broken."

      Struggle seems to be the name of the game. I feel like I do a lot of lessons on struggle. But I truly believe, that if we are not deeply rooted in the word of God, we very well might allow our struggles to overtake us. This is exactly what the devil wants. He wants us to forfeit our peace and joy here on earth. And while this may seem like a win for him, I need you to remember that he does not have the final say; Jesus does. In the book of Job, we see a story of a righteous man named Job, who God allowed Satan to bring suffering upon him in order to test his faith. In this exact scripture, we see Job's friend, Eliphaz, reassuring him that, even though things look bad, Jesus has the final say. In 1 Peter 5:8, Peter refers to the devil as a roaring lion. But even the "greatest" of lion here on this earth is no match for the Lion of Judah, who has not only defeated the "roaring lion" once already but is coming back to finish him off. You see, the difference between these two lions is this: the "roaring lion" is a predator here on earth, but though he may look fierce, he has no power over us. Why? Because his teeth are broken. He has no bite. His game is deception. However, our Lion of Judah holds all the power, and will conquer our enemy for us once and for all.

      So, while our time here on earth may look ugly. We may suffer, we may be hurt, we may be deceived, the world may look as though it's caving it. We can face these things with faith knowing that the devil's deception game will end one day. And when it does, our God will come and fight our battle for us, revealing that the power of the "roaring lion" was non-existent. That he was all roar and no bite. When we plant ourselves deeply in the word of God and abide in His protection, we will see that our time here on earth doesn't have to be lived in fear. Though the afflictions that come against us here on earth may look back, Jesus has the final say. And when we are in Him, no man, nor lion, can ever come against us. 

If we look at the enemy for what he is, pretty much a feisty house kitten, and know that we have the Lion of Judah on our side, encourage you to abide in his presence and trust that He will come and fight your battles for us?

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