On a Mission
Matthew 9:12
"On hearing this, Jesus said, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.'"
Some of my favorite sections in the Bible are when Jesus shuts down the Pharisees' attempts to scrutinize Him. And here's why I think I like these sections so much: Every time, Jesus wins. Even as the man hung from the cross, He WON. So, here, we see another failed attempt by the Pharisees to trip Jesus up. After calling Matthew, the tax collector, to be His disciple, Matthew held a feast at his house for Jesus. Joining them were many known tax collectors and sinners. Knowing the type of people He was dining with, Jesus ate with them anyways. In doing so, He paints a picture for His opposers to explain His purpose here on earth. And quite simply He put, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." Amen!
Friends, Jesus did not come to this earth as a man to die an innocent death for perfect people. Perfect people don't need saving; Sinners do. Working cars don't need a mechanic; Broken ones do. Healthy people don't need a doctor; sick ones do. Jesus came on a mission, and that mission was to round up God's lost sheep. And He would not stop preaching, teaching, healing, and searching for His sheep until His mission was complete.
Friends, I want to encourage you today to give yourself some grace. Though we are called to live a life in likeness to Christ, we are not perfect. That's when we can call on Jesus to be the perfection that we cannot be.
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