July 22nd, 2022

Published on 22 July 2022 at 10:27

Love Wins

Proverbs 10:12 NIV

"Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs."

      As believers in Christ, we are called to love one another the way He has loved us (John 13:34). Sometimes, this can be hard. It's very easy to let our feelings towards another person get in the way and cause us to stumble off the path of righteousness. Throughout our lives, we will cross paths with people who hurt us, deceive us, and do us wrong, but Jesus says to love them anyway. And not just love them anyway but love them the way that He loves us. When we love someone, it's easy to overlook the wrongs that they have done. When we love our children, dismissing a tantrum or maybe even a bad grade in school is not hard. So why should we harbor hatred against a co-worker or a cousin because they did us wrong? Because Jesus died on the cross out of His love for us, He covered all of our transgressions. Our debts have been forgiven out of His loving sacrifice. When we believe in Him and follow in His footsteps, we forfeit our right to harbor hatred over another person. But instead, we're encouraged to love one another in the same way Jesus loved us. In doing so, we can smother the flame of hatred and let the light of love shine throughout our lives.

Praise Jesus for the love He has shown us! Lord, help us to love one another the way you have loved us.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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