August 5th, 2022

Published on 5 August 2022 at 08:17

Stepping Stones of Purpose

Genesis 50:20 NIV

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

      Life's not always easy friends. If you've listened to me speak, this always seems to be a trend that I repeatedly come back to. I could be the pastor who candy coats things and motivates you to never have a bad day, and while that is great, it's not realistic. No matter how rooted we are in our faith, hard days are inevitable. Let's look at Joseph for example. God blessed Jacob and Rachel with the birth of Joseph after years of barrenness. He was very much favored by his father. So much, so that his brothers became jealous and sold him into the hands of the Midianites who took him to Egypt as a slave. For a while, Joseph had it pretty good until, yet another bad break hit, and he wound up in prison as an innocent man. Years later, He was not only brought out of prison but made second in command to Pharoah. Through the interpretation of a dream, God made Joseph aware of a great famine that would soon wreak havoc on the land and used him to store excess food in preparation for the famine. Here's the thing: Even after all of the bad breaks, Joseph never lost sight of his faith. He stood firm and remained faithful to God. And in return, God turned what the enemy meant for bad, into good. Because of Joseph, many lives were spared in the famine.

      You see, when we remain faithful to God, even through the bad breaks, God will turn what the enemy intended for bad into good. Even the bad breaks serve a greater purpose, not only in our lives but in the lives of others. The famine that the people were faced with could've just so easily wiped everyone off the face of the earth. But the bad breaks Joseph faced served as stepping stones on the path that led to something greater. I know things may seem tough. I know you may feel like you can't catch a break. I've been there. But believe me when I say, what the devil intended for bad, God will use as stepping stones to something greater. There are lessons to be learned in the waiting. All you must do is simply remain faithful to God and trust that He is in control. God will forever have the final say.

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