It's a Brand-New Day
Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
(Almost) every morning, I get up before the sun rises to start my day. One of my favorite things to do before I get my day started is to get my cup of tea and peak out the back door at my bird feeders. By then, the sun is usually starting to peek through the sky, and I know it's a brand-new day. And what a blessing it is, too, that we get to see a new day. A brand-new day isn't just another day that God has blessed us with life on earth, but through our repentance, it's a sign that he has wiped our slates clean from the transgressions of the day before. Unlike people, who tend to hold grudges and don't forget the wrongs that people have committed against them, we are richly blessed by the fact that, through Jesus Christ, God's mercy for us is new each morning. Each morning that we get out of bed, we should not only thank the Lord for the privilege of allowing us another day on this earth, but also for forgiving us of our prior trespasses.
In the book of Exodus, the people cried out in hunger to God, and He supplied them with quail and manna (Ex.16). In the evening, they had meat to eat, and He provided bread (manna) in the morning. The Israelites were to take no more, and no less than an omer of manna. They were instructed not to save any for the next day, though some did and on the following day, it was full of maggots and began to smell. Likewise, God's mercies, or compassion, are new each day because the ones from the day before simply will not do. Just as God provided the Israelites with new mana every day, He will also provide us with new mercies every day. All we must do is trust and believe that He will give us everything we need, right when we need it.
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