August 22, 2022

Published on 22 August 2022 at 10:54

His Plans are Better

Proverbs 16:9 NIV

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."

      Yesterday my husband and I went out for our wedding anniversary. Over the past several years of our relationship, we have always gone shopping and out to eat. While many may get bored with the same date year after year, I enjoy our usual outing. This year, however, he asked if he could change things up a little bit and make our destination a surprise. Curious as to what he could have in mind, I agreed. As we were getting ready for church, he kept telling me that we would be spending the day shopping, which I have already discussed was something I looked forward to every year. But I couldn't help but wonder where, as he had not told me. After church, we pulled into my in-law's driveway to drop the kids off and he revealed to me that we would not be shopping, but we would be going to the Pro Football Hall of Fame and out to eat. Now, on any other occasion, I would've been all over this plan because I love Pro Football, but because I had been planning on spending the day shopping, I was a little bummed out. However, I couldn't resist the nagging feeling inside of me that kept saying, "go anyway."

      Friends, this right here was a good example of the Holy Spirit guiding me in the direction of the plan God had for my day. Now, I could have very easily protested my husband's idea and gone about my course, but in doing so I would've hurt his feelings and maybe even caused an argument. That wasn't how I wanted to spend our anniversary date. But because I chose to listen to that still small voice telling me to go to the Hall of Fame and forfeit my original plans, my husband and I ended up having the time of our lives there! Not only that, but we ended up stopping at my favorite store, Target, which happened to be in the area, and got a bite to eat at my favorite restaurant.  Y'all, we may try with all our might to plan out our days, weeks, months, years, and even lives, but when God has another plan, His Spirit is going to come to give you a nudge in the right direction. We can resist that nudge, or we can follow it. But one thing is for sure, we will never regret God's plan for our lives because His plan is always for good.

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