Less is More
If we look around, we will find that the world we live in is very materialistic. On every tv channel, you will find ads for the newest cars, the newest phones, and deals on the trendiest clothes. If we're not careful, we will find ourselves buying into the scheme. The world tells us that if we don't have the newest of the newest, and the best of the best, we will never measure up to the standards society sets for us. In turn, we may find ourselves falling into the pit of jealousy when we don't measure up. We may become jealous of those with nicer, newer cars than us. We might be jealous that others have the newest technology, and we don't. I'm here to tell you, though, that it's not supposed to be this way.
In Proverbs 16:8 NIV, we are told, "better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice." In a world where money can buy you anything you want; it can't buy you righteousness. I used to dream about the day I would be able to afford my dream car because, maybe then, I would be happy. However, this wasn't the case. Now that I'm walking with Jesus, I know that my happiness lies in the hands of Jesus, not in the hands of this world. When we live in righteousness, we begin to appreciate the good things God has given us in this moment. We must not become jealous of what others have, because God has a plan for them. When we run our own race and believe that God has already given us the greatest gift of all (Jesus), we can look forward to something even greater than what money can buy; eternal life (John 3:16).
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