When The Enemy Pursues Us
Exodus 14:23-25 NIV
"The Egyptians pursued them, and all Pharoah's horses and chariots and horsemen followed them into the sea. During the last watch of the night, the Lord looked down from the pillar of fire and clouds at the Egyptian army and threw it into confusion. He jammed the wheels of their chariots so that they had difficulty driving. And the Egyptians said, 'Let's get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt.' "
There are going to be days in life when we can feel the enemy on our tail. We may feel like darkness is closing in on us, and we have nowhere else to turn. Even when we cry out to God, we just don't see the enemy wearing down. We may think, "Where's God? Why is he letting this happen?" As they crossed the Red Sea on dry land, I'm sure the Israelites were on edge. This was a time that truly tested their faith and trust in God. Moses had just parted the sea so that they may escape the pursuing army of Egyptians that weren't far behind them. At this point, they had probably felt like they were in the free and clear. If he parted the sea for them to walk through it safely, then surely he would close it behind them... but he didn't. Why not? Because God had other plans.
If we reflect on our own lives, I'm sure we could name a time or two when we thought something would turn out a certain way, but God seemed to have other plans. He's good at that! God allowed the enemy into the Israelite's waters, not to harm them, but to make a statement. Had he closed the sea up before the Egyptians could enter, they would've sat on the shore madder than hornets. Maybe even plotting how they would get to them the next time. No, God had a better idea in mind. He chose to allow them into the waters so that he could make two things known: 1. That Egypt should've never messed with him or his people and 2. That even when the enemy is on our heels, his people can trust that he will always fight for us. When he chose to wash the Egyptians away before the Israelites, he showed everyone that he is not a God to be messed with. He is not going to let anyone but he who created us determine our destiny. Like the Israelites, we have a destiny to fulfill and no one, not even the enemy is going to succeed in taking that from us. God promised that he would take us to a land flowing with milk and honey, and that is exactly where we're headed (Exodus 3:17)!
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