When You Don't Know What to Do
Psalm 37:7 NLT
"Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act..."
I had found myself in a situation this morning where I just didn't know what to do next. As I lay in bed with tears willing up in my eyes, I could sense God saying, "if you don't know what to do, then don't do anything at all." I've realized that there will be many times in our lives when we find ourselves looking for answers. Most times, we walk right into a dead end and don't know where to go from there. Should we try to make a way? Should we go around it? It all tends to feel rather confusing and overwhelming. However, the best thing we can do is nothing at all. This is because the Bible tells us to, "Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act."
Why should we act out of our intellect, when the Lord is the one in complete control? If we don't know what to do next, then it's because we weren't meant to know the next step. Most times, we're not even properly equipped for the next step. When we wait patiently for God to act, we are putting our trust in God and allowing HIM to make the next move. We must always remember that his moves are the best moves for us even if they don't seem like it at the time. When we choose to act out of emotions like fear, anger, and even pride, we allow those emotions to fog our view of the situation. God, however, can see our situation in its entirety and has the solution before we are even faced with the problem. So, when we don't know what to do next, it is important that we may be still in God's presence and allow Him to guide us in the right direction. When we put our trust in God, we no longer have to ask, "where do I go from here?" But can say with confidence, "God guide me down the path of righteousness!"
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I really needed this one today. Thank you