February 13th, 2022

Published on 13 February 2022 at 15:29

Clothe Yourself in Humility

Luke 7:38 NIV

"As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them."

      Try as we might, we will find ourselves making bad choices every now and again. We, as people, were not made to be perfect. We are sinners at best. Some big, some small, some few, some many. When we see other's, though, that seem to have it more together than us, it is tempting to get discouraged and think that Christ's gift of salvation won't cover all of our sins. However, this is not the case. In Luke 7, when Jesus was anointed by a sinful woman, he showed us that though we be sinful, it is the ones that humble themselves before the Lord that are forgiven. When Simon, the Pharisee, pointed out that the woman was a sinner (v.39), Jesus told him a parable of two people who owed a money lender different amounts of money. One person having owed more than the other. When he asked Simon who he thought would be more loving and thankful towards the money lender he, of course, said the one with the greater debt (v.41-43).

    Though this woman was of many sins, she humbled herself before Jesus by wetting his feet with her tears, wiping them away with her hair, kissing them and pouring expensive perfume on them. Jesus himself was clothed in humility that day when his blood was shed on Calvary for our sins. When we express humility in our own lives, we are reflecting the character of our savior. The gift of salvation has no limits. There's not a sin too big or too many that isn't covered by the gracious gift from the Lord. The only sin that can't be forgiven is the one we don't repent of.  When we come to the Lord with humility and ask for forgiveness by expressing our love and gratitude for him, we will see that his mercy isn't just for those who live a "better" lifestyle than us. 

Have you shown Jesus gratitude by humbling yourself before him?

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